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Duelos en Monterrey!

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Shooting Quasar Dragon

Hola a todos, bueno hoy traigo a ustedes una carta que se me hace una pasada encerio asi que bueno el nombre de dicha carta es "Shooting Quasar Dragon" que es la forma mas supremda de un Stardust si asi se le puede decir aun que no Diga "STAR" en fin, tiene un buen efecto asi que ahi les va:

El efecto de anime:

Shooting Quasar Dragon
Level 12
ATK 4000/DEF 4000
1 Dragon-type Synchro Tuner + 4 non-Tuner Dragon-type Synchro monsters

This card cannot be destroyed in battle. This card is unaffected by Spell cards and Trap cards. You can remove this card from play to negate a monster effect, and then Special Summon it to the field in ATK mode during the End Phase. This card gains the ATK and DEF equal to the total ATK and DEF of its Synchro Materials. You can negate the activation of an effect that can destroy another card you control and remove that card from play. During your Standby Phase, reveal the top 10 cards of your Deck; this monster can attack the same number of times as the number of Tuner monsters revealed. If this card is destroyed, Special Summon it back to the field in DEF mode.

El efecto en TCG/OCG pudiera ser este:
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Level 12
ATK 4000/DEF 4000
1 Dragon-type Synchro Tuner + 2 non-Tuner Dragon-type Synchro monsters

You can remove this card from play to negate a card effect, and then Special Summon it to the field in ATK mode during the End Phase. You can negate the activation of an effect that can destroy another card you control and destroy that card. During your Standby Phase, reveal the top 7 cards of your Deck; this monster can attack the same number of times as the number of Tuner monsters revealed. If this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Hand, Graveyard or Extra Deck in DEF mode.

Es muy semejante al Shooting aun que el shooting es un poco mas jugable pero los efectos de este no stan nada mal, asi que veremos como se las ingenian para bajarlo ojala y pronto lo veamos.

7 comentarios:

  1. xq siento k esto ya lo habia leido netposter

  2. vato pues son notas que salen cOmO la lista de prohibidas todos traeen la misma

  3. xD pero como vas a convocar a Stardust de tu mano? XD

  4. se lo llevo a la mano misteriosamente al stardust y lo convoco desde ahi xD

  5. xD ta re poderoso el dragonsito ese xD

  6. k hasco perdi mi tiempo en leer el 2do efecto.
